Friday, December 24, 2004

Something to start off with...

hmm.. my first blog post. I suppose there should be something special about this.... then again maybe not... Lolz XD

Well, its the 24th of December, i'm in my grandma's house (Mother's side) waiting for the traditional Noche Buena... shabu-shabu heehee I can't wait. There's nohing like sharing food with your loved ones. Especially when they're all so fun to be around with.

Christmas kind of snuck up on me this year. One day I'm like "How on earth am i going to pass my exams?" and the next it's like "Darn I haven't done any shopping yet!"

With the exams and the typhoons I kind of lost track of the days. The stuff I usually do didn't get done. My friends and I were planning an outing for Saturday only to find out the next day that we couldn't 'coz it was Christmas Day that was how bad it was.

I suppose there are still good stuff that happened, I'm meeting with my family and having a good time, and one of my aunts just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy named Sigfried Lui Oterol Lee... (I know.. the name "Oterol" is just weird... but my uncle loved it 'coz its his name "Loreto" spelled backwards so... it stuck) well thats the best christmas present my aunt could have gotten so we're all content. I'm sure my barkada won't mind that i haven't gotten them presents yet so...

Merry Christmas to you all. ROK ON


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